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A little story about my closet...

My closet is easy to talk about since I am a very organized person. My closet is color coded, style coded, seasonal, and even color coded by my hangers. I find it soooooo much easier in my life to have things in order and by a system. I am all about productivity. We all have had those mornings where you try on every single garment in your closet and still cant match it with the perfect pair of shoes or the item your wish you had has already been worn and forgot to get washed. The struggle can be seriously real from time to time. I find that having a very organized system in my closet has cut down my "get ready" time in half. I simply walk in my closet and think about what the weather is like outside. Since it is currently winter here in Bethesda, it is windy and cold. There isn't much snow currently so I am just preparing to dress cute and chic yet warm still. I will then proceed to decide if I want to layer or not. Most of the time I chose not to layer. I will then think about what colors I based my outfit of the day prior. If I wore burgundy in my last outfit I will likely go opposite and wear cream or taupe. Then I will decide which bottoms best pair with the top I selected. I love skirts but I rarely wear them and my work allows us to wear denim so I usually opt for the denim in the winter. I will finally select which shoes I want to wear with my outfit. If I am tired I wear flats, if I am energized I will where a heel. I have a decent selection of shoes in both styles so it is easy to pair with anything in my wardrobe. Last but not least I will add accessories like jewelry or scarf and head out the door. Simple and easy yall. Need help organzing your wardrobe, shoot me a message and a picture of your closet so I can help, help yourself.

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