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LUMI Tea Update

Hello Factor Fam! If you have been following the blog for a while you already know that I was partnering with a tea company called LUMI Tea. I purchased my own tea and used it for 30 days and wrote a few reviews about my opinion on the product.

I just want to be very honest...I was going strong for about 12 days drinking the two tea blend I selected everyday. (I chose a skinny blend and a colon blend.) I was feeling good about the tea and even felt like it helped a lot with bloating and cleaning the system out of impurities. However, I can't really say what the final outcome was like for me because I have been sporadically drinking the tea whenever I just want since then. Doing this has obviously skewed the direct results. So for me, I will likely reorder it and try it again. I will also try a few other blends they offer and try it again for a solid 30 days. I will then give you weekly check in's and progress photos. I want to be very honest with anyone I am supporting and working with when it comes to product reviews. So please bare with me and stay tuned for my full review of the products. Overall, I am very happy with this tea company. They are very easy to work with and the staff is so kind. It tastes good and makes you feel clean just drinking it. I am sure all the other blends will also taste awesome. I am looking forward to trying this again for you all!

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